Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clearing Out the Past

I discovered eight years ago that if I really wanted the energy to flow it was necessary to remove the junk that compromised or prevented it from flowing through the body. I knew that energy flowed through the body's meridians and all of that, but I never considered that it got blocked.

Those of you who know me on a personal level, through my websites, or from the Helping Others Heal Naturally newsletter know that I am an advocate of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Through the discovery of EFT, I began to reflect on likely causes of my blockages- the writings on my wall.

God knows there were many possibilities to consider.

As a child trouble seemed to follow me. I wasn't really a bad kid. I just exhibited some behaviors that ticked off some people. People like my teachers, parents, and maybe a few others.

Although the discovery of ADHD had been around, to my knowledge nobody I knew was familiar with or used the term. Looking back, I am certain that I met the criteria for the label since I had the classic "out of the textbook" symptoms.

I must confess that I continue to have many of the symptoms today. However, I have learned to manage them and lead a somewhat normal life-whatever normal means.

Clearing out the junk stored in my unconscious (that raised its ugly self-sabotaging head now and again) got the energy flowing. Not that it flows like a young stream. On occasion it trickles or meanders.

It takes maintenance to clear out the past, to get rid of the junk. After all, the past is anything and everything that is not in the immediate present moment.