Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Limiting beliefs stifle success

Most of us with ADHD tend to be sensitive individuals. Sure, it's good to be considerate of others.

However, being sensitive to negative beliefs is a serious problem. Admonitions, threats, and the frustration and anger expressed to us through others impress our minds with negative beliefs: "You're not good enough." "You can't do that." "It will never work." "You are weird, crazy, lazy, and will never amount to anything." "You are a failure."

Limiting beliefs come from parents, teachers, and others who have a role in our care as we progress through childhood.

I'm not excusing those who filled my head with failure, but, in my case, I can understand how symptoms of my ADHD played havoc with them. Most caregivers have our best interests at heart, and would do no intentional harm.

Unfortunately, repeated remarks stemming from others frustration at our ADHD behaviors, become deeply engrained on our unconscious. Therefore, we play out our belief of no-good, trouble-maker, failure who always forgets,and never listens or follows direction.

Or, we change the limiting beliefs.

We do this using the same principle of mind that created the belief in limitations. Of course, we have but one mind, but it serves two functions. We generally refer to the two functions as conscious and unconscious, or objective and subjective. Think of the conscious mind as the thought or thinking component and of the unconscious as making thoughts materialize.

Using the principle of mind, what is impressed is expressed, use the objective mind to reframe negative beliefs into positive affirmations and thoughts. Keep affirmations short and to the point using the present tense. The unconscious mind does not reason, or distinguish nuances. As you say it, is exactly how it accepts it. Avoid words or phrases containing someday, tomorrow, soon, I'd like, etc.


In fact, use all of the senses possible as you see yourself making good decisions, being a good listener, performing responsibly, making good grades, receiving raises, promotions, winning awards, reaching goals, and contributing successfully to your community and country. Feel it, see it, hear it, and taste it.

When is the best time to do this? Anytime is good. But, just before arising while in the drowsy state, and just before falling asleep at night are two of the best times for planting new seeds of thoughts. In addition to this, set aside a few minutes throughout the day sitting quietly, visualizing and affirming new behaviors.

Remember, you are not controlled by remarks, thinking, or actions of others unless you allow it. Appoint your conscious mind as the watchguard for your thoughts. Avoid limiting beliefs.

Let you determine what is true about you.

Readers of this blog know that I endorse the use of the energy modality EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to identify root causes of limiting beliefs. For a limited time, this site offers a FREE EFT Manual Download.

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